Nature does not like extremes.
It does give room to a few outliers but overall it favors balance. Whenever scales get tilted by human endeavors, it gets alert, watches mindfully while giving warnings and chances to amend but ultimately takes action.
Some actions are slow and constant over time, like evolution and then there are occasional violent bouts of anger, like earthquakes and storms.
Our job is to understand nature and its pattern.
The key lies in balance and the balance depends on the relationship between man and woman.
This universe is created for humans.
Humans were given a status such as that angels had to prostrate down to them.!
Now, lets ponder at the human creation.
The first human was a man and then a woman was created as his companion!
Here lies a very basic and fundamental reality.
God could have created two men as buddies or two women as friends!
God could have even created both Adam and Eve at the same time!
But no. He created Eve after Adam.
Everything God does carries a divine wisdom.
Man needed a companion.
Woman was created to fulfill a man's need.
Man should be grateful for this blessing and treat her like a present. Mistreatment of her would be an insult to the One who fulfilled his wish, so he better take good care of her.
She should know and understand her value and her position, as well.
She is a precious gift but his need and created for him. She better satisfy him.
It is a relationship where roles are well defined.
My God does not blame Eve for the original sin. He holds both Adam and Eve individually accountable for their own sins. Both are equal in their conduct towards God.
They are equal yet different and thus their abilities and their responsibilities are also diverse.
Equality does not mean similarity.
Lets have a close look at the nature of genders.
Male and female children come into being following the same natural process and stages. Except a few physical differences, nothing separates them in mental or intellectual capabilities as young children.
The first clash occurs at puberty.
Puberty is the line set by God as adulthood.
What really happens when a girl or a boy hits puberty and learns about the realities of nature?
When a girl hits puberty, she learns about pain, cramps, bloating, monthly cycle, responsibility, how to take care and manage the situation. Nature starts her training as a mother in future. These changes take place inside and outside her body. She becomes conscious of her vulnerability. She has to be conscious of the demanding and altering needs of her body. Her body goes through certain changes when her hormones complete a cycle every month. The occurrence of monthly emotional ups and downs serves as a boot camp for the years to come.
When a boy hits puberty, he also becomes conscious of his body. But instead of pain, he learns new joys. He does not face any emotional roller coaster . Instead of vulnerability, he tastes the surge of power in his veins. He wants conquests. He wants dominion. His joy does not bring in a natural sense of responsibility. He actually learns the sense of freedom.
Nature determines the roles gender has to play.
Men need to be taught responsibility for their actions towards the opposite sex. It does not come to them naturally. Hence they always have a roving eye. They do not experience the monthly changes in their body and hormones. This internal constancy lends them a stability, which also brings in clarity and firmness. This consistency is their strength. Women's emotional vulnerability needs that stability in men. They complement each other.
Nature assigns the role of a provider and protector to the man and delegates the duties of child birth, child rearing and house setting to the woman.
Slight or some overlap in roles is fine and in some circumstances necessary but a complete reversal of roles tips off the natural balance. And Nature does not like extremes.
God's intelligent design of gender roles for all woman and men were beautifully described in your article. This is a necessary clarification in these anxious times, where so many are getting "Lost". Thank you. I am refreshed. DJ from Fort Bragg, California.
ReplyDeleteDaniel, a balance in everything is needed to ensure harmony and peace, the two most precious and sought after things in current times. Gender equality does not imply homogeneity. Men & women are equal, yet very different!