Wednesday, February 25, 2015



Part of me did not want to watch the movie but I wanted to write on the topic, so I went and watched it in theaters. The movie turned out to be an absolute disappointment with nothing much to offer. I failed to understand how anyone could associate this movie with romance or love.

It's about a sick man who derives sexual pleasure out of torturing women. Some call it S & M. The movie calls it Dominant & Submissive relationship. The reality remains that one person inflicts pain on the other. What makes it okay? Is it the thousand dollar leather belt he uses to whip her because I am sure anyone would be enraged if this was a ten dollars belt in the hands of a husband raised on his wife.

People argue consent. Really? We talk about freedom and condemn slavery but it's okay if such games are played behind closed doors, out of clothes? Doesn't that show certain aggressive tendencies?

The movie shows that she allows such abuse because she loves him. What kind of a message is being conveyed to young girls, who by the way, are flocking the movie theaters. I am sick to my stomach reading post after post on social media about girls screaming how hot Mr. Grey is! He is a very repulsive and cold blooded character in the movie, yet girls are fantacizing about him because he's the rich billionaire who buys stuff and controls his woman.

Women by nature have submissive tendencies. They let go of their virginities when they form relationships, allow another person to penetrate deep inside their bodies. Carry his seed and bring forth another life after nourishing it within for nine months. Men, on the other hand, have natural tendency to be dominating due to physical structure and strength. These natural tendencies are subtle and actually help bring in a balance to the relationship like two wheels of a bicycle. It doesn't matter which wheel is at the front and which is at the back as both are equally needed and important for the entire function.

The key factor in a man and woman relationship is respect. Both have strong points and individual weaknesses. One's strength complements other's weakness. There is equality despite differences.

Problem arises when one starts abusing and dominating the other. Society looks down on verbal and physical abuse but keeps mum on sexual practices. Usually it's okay for consenting adults to indulge in consensual activities but when we glorify such tendencies, we open up doors to a whole new set of issues. For example, we all know certain people are already into such stuff but many couples stay away from it. A much talked about movie tells the youngsters that it's okay to experiment such stuff. The hesitation is gone. Girls fantasize being Ann who might be able to change Christian through her love, not realizing that such people never change.

No woman should ever allow a man to raise hand on her or vice versa. Respect in sexual relationship is essential for a peaceful and durable relationship. A man who is aroused by verbally or physically inflicting pain on his woman, is not worthy of any woman and same goes for woman too. It horrifies me when I hear a girl tell that she loved being choked during sexual intercourse. What sort of relationship is that? Does she not realize that she could die? What sort of man is he who makes love to her watching her in such a painful state? One thing I can assure you, a household formed on such a relationship, will never be blissful or find peace.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love & Attachment

I'm always surprised to hear people say not to form attachments in love.
True that love is all about letting go of self but that in itself is an attachment because one sacrifices for the beloved. Bonds are formed and expectations emerge in love.
Even the Creator has expectations from us. Our love attaches us to Him. We surrender our will to His will through this attachment and devotion. This surrender is not a one time thing. It needs a constant effort and renewal.
The most selfless love on earth is of a mother's and that too is based on attachment and expectations of fulfilling the duties of that title. A child's welfare is dependent on that attachment.
A parent's love and prayers are always needed and have special meaning and place in a person's life, regardless of age, due to the relationship between the person and the parent. 
Relationships are attachments. Attachments give rise to expectations. There are expectations from each relationship, be it sibling, family or spouse.
Non legal relationships like friendships are also based on expectations of loyalty and sincerity. There are unsaid promises to honor and respect each other. 
Love demands sacrifice from the ones in love but love itself has a huge ego as it does not tolerate insult and degradation of itself, or of the loved one. Love puts the lover on the pedestal and forgets about the rest. This is attachment. Devotion is attachment.