Love what you do and do what you love!
I see a lot of grumping where work is involved. A stressed out society is full of sullenly people. Tensions are written on faces and translated in actions. Short tempers are common and ready to snap at the drop of a hat.
Try telling someone to enjoy their work and get ready to hear the endless train of complaints about how that person is bogged down with responsibilities and pressures. It all is true but if one has to do whatever needs to be done, then why not do it with a little bit positive attitude?
I remember in my childhood, it always seemed like a cumbersome chore if my mother asked me to do something. On the other hand, I would thoroughly enjoy doing the very same task if I had decided to do it out of my own free will. Once I noticed this difference, I started keeping tabs on my own responses and sure shot, there was a pattern. We don't like to be dictated. We want to be free to make our own choices but in life we have to follow instructions or time tables.
We avail the knowledge of others and follow instructions to benefit from their experiences and we work around timetables to manage the task. These are restrictions and human nature is to resist restraints. Observe children! They are happy when they try things on their own but they throw tantrums at times when forced to do something against their will. Adults train children to behave and teach them logic of discipline.
Discipline and logic need to be taught, learned and implemented. Human mind has an astonishing capacity to learn and adopt. Our brain is the director that runs the whole show. Our thinking effects the rest of our bodies and our life pattern. Mind and thinking get comfortable with patterns that we allow. Nagging pattern leads to negativity in life. Each and every task becomes a burden. The person wastes energies in remorse and does not enjoy the moment.
If we train our minds with logic to accept every situation and make the best out of it, then it becomes a habit. The person starts looking for ways to enjoy an annoying task. The internal positivity leads the person to make an effort to improve the situation.
I see a lot of grumping where work is involved. A stressed out society is full of sullenly people. Tensions are written on faces and translated in actions. Short tempers are common and ready to snap at the drop of a hat.
Try telling someone to enjoy their work and get ready to hear the endless train of complaints about how that person is bogged down with responsibilities and pressures. It all is true but if one has to do whatever needs to be done, then why not do it with a little bit positive attitude?
I remember in my childhood, it always seemed like a cumbersome chore if my mother asked me to do something. On the other hand, I would thoroughly enjoy doing the very same task if I had decided to do it out of my own free will. Once I noticed this difference, I started keeping tabs on my own responses and sure shot, there was a pattern. We don't like to be dictated. We want to be free to make our own choices but in life we have to follow instructions or time tables.
We avail the knowledge of others and follow instructions to benefit from their experiences and we work around timetables to manage the task. These are restrictions and human nature is to resist restraints. Observe children! They are happy when they try things on their own but they throw tantrums at times when forced to do something against their will. Adults train children to behave and teach them logic of discipline.
Discipline and logic need to be taught, learned and implemented. Human mind has an astonishing capacity to learn and adopt. Our brain is the director that runs the whole show. Our thinking effects the rest of our bodies and our life pattern. Mind and thinking get comfortable with patterns that we allow. Nagging pattern leads to negativity in life. Each and every task becomes a burden. The person wastes energies in remorse and does not enjoy the moment.
If we train our minds with logic to accept every situation and make the best out of it, then it becomes a habit. The person starts looking for ways to enjoy an annoying task. The internal positivity leads the person to make an effort to improve the situation.