Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Coexist ~ visitors on my deck.

I saw these two (rascals) finishing all the bird feed the other day.
I was about to shoo them away but then a thought occurred.
I can buy some extra feed and let them enjoy the seeds.
So I moved the feeder and gave them some on the other side.
They turned my deck into a party site.

We may be all different, in colors, race or creed ...
We, each bring something unique to the table.
Without losing our place or identity, we can coexist.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day

I wish my tears have the wings ...

On which they reach the heavens above ...
And tell you what my words fail to convey ...
How much I miss you each and every day.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Roses vs Humans

Roses, I look at them and think of humans.
Doesn't matter what color they are, or where they grow...
They need Sun, water and soil.
We humans also, regardless of our gender, age or background ...
need the light of caring, flow of compassion and stability of love bloom.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

You & I

It's just you & me in this very moment...nothing else matters.

Company or Crowd

"Two is company, three is crowd", they say, but then, "More the merrier", is also on their tongues ...depends on the situation, I think. A confidante can be only a single one while a party calls for a crowd :))) Cheers to all our friends and friendships. Hurray to the best one!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Happy Ramadan

Happy Ramadan. 
Ramadan is the fasting month for all Muslims. 
Fasting means to obstinate from food. Fasting exists in all religions and cultures, in one form or another. 
Religion teaches restraint. Even those, who do not believe in God, realize that giving free rein to human whims and fancies, only leads to disaster, at the end. Control is needed to bring and maintain balance. Fasting is a religious duty and a conscious effort to do so.