Tuesday, January 5, 2016


20 years ...
Not a day go by, when I do not miss him...
Not a moment slips away, when I do not need him...
Yet he is never gone!
He lives in my veins and breathes in my heart.
God bless my pious dad in the Heavens above.
I will love him till the day I close my eyes for the last time.


  1. Very beautiful words for a loving father, I am sure he is always with you as he always was!

    1. Thank you Joseph. I am his flesh and blood. He lives as I breathe and his deeds breathe when I try to do anything good or right.
      Wish you the best dear friend.

  2. Hi, Shamsa. I hope you're fine. Been a long time since I've seen you around.

    1. I am fine my dear friend and deeply touched your concern. I have been paying more attention to photography. Switched to Mac, took me a while to get adjusted.
      I have written some but never got around to publishing.
      I always think of you whenever I think of publishing since you asked me a while back too and I was truly moved that you cared.
      Wish you the best Bill.
      Hope things are much better than the last time we spoke.
