Tuesday, November 28, 2017

سلگتا دھواں

سلگتا دھواں

جانے وہ کون ہیں جو ہر بات پہ رو لیتے ہیں
ہم کو تو حق ہی نہیں، آہ بھی لبوں تک پہنچے
بزم میں جائیں مگر بولو تو کس کی خاطر؟
شمع ہیں اور نہ پروانوں میں نام آتا ہے
ہم تو شاید وہ سلگتا سا دھواں ہیں صاحب
جو کسی اور، کسی طور بھی دکھتا ہی نہیں
ہم مگن پیار کی راہوں پہ بڑھے جاتے ہیں
پھول کی چاہ میں، خوشبو سا بکھر جاتے ہیں
چوٹ لگ جائے گی، غم اس کا بھلا کیا کرنا
ہم تو زخموں کو بھی تمغوں سا سجا لیتے ہیں

شمسہ انور

Monday, October 16, 2017

Meddling versus Helping

Meddling or Helping?

I have a friend, not very close to me but whenever she visits, she opens my cupboards and tries to take over charge in everything, to the point that she’d open the doors for other guests, see them off to the car when they leave. All this without my asking for it, or her being very close to me.
She’s not an exception.

Some time back, a lady came to visit, at the gate got my mail from the mailman, on the way checked every sender and then questioned me on various ones. It was only the second time that she was visiting me and although there wasn’t anything to hide, I felt awkward.
It reminded me of an incident in high school when a newcomer in my class went through my school bag during recess, while I wasn’t there. I felt violated.

There are many who have such habits. Some do it with good intentions, and others with not so good intentions. A lot do it unintentionally as a habit. In some cultures, it’s ingrained in the society to the point that it’s considered a right of others of interfere in private matters.

There’s a thin line between being snoopy and being helpful in regards to actions but a wide gap in intentions. Former is meddling while the later is aiding. The first one imposes where the other respects. The reason that the gap is not obvious to the observing eye is the similarity in actions. The person whose privacy is invaded often finds it difficult to curtail the aggressive behavior of the other person in a nice way. This imposed help is sheer hypocrisy in many cases.

As the world is becoming more global, too much interaction is opening up doors  for information, awareness and learning about others. It’s also offering opportunities of stalking, meddling and interfering. It’s becoming a dilemma where to draw the line as boarders are blurring and with this, comes confusion and tensions as many try in desperation to define the new limits or save the old ones. The person more careful, lawful and morally conscious always suffers in the chaos. 

There is a dire need, to be mindful of others’ needs and to reach out to help, since the world is suffering but under no way, the rights or privacy of others should be compromised. The training starts at home, in childhood. We need to learn ourselves and teach our children through practice, the difference between meddling and helping out.

Let’s make the world a better place, starting with ourselves.

Shamsa Anwar.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Let's make America great again.

 Let's make America great again.

The rough looking big guy, with neon sunglasses, looked and a wave of sadness passed through my body as he checked me out from head to toe. Those stares were thrown to embarrass and make me uncomfortable. They were meant to disrespect me.

I was also sad because it wasn't an individual incidence. I was noticing such stares quite often, in recent days. Stares, that ridicule a person's existence. I had plenty of experience with such stares while growing up. Even when I'd be fully covered from head to toe, those filthy stares would make me feel naked, as if tearing my garb by their dirty daggers. These hateful stares are intentional, have no regard for human dignity, space or freedom, and make one shrink within their skins.

I had forgotten about such despising stares and glances, till quite recently. America made me forget them. I had no pre established notion of what to expect when I moved to the country, but was pleasantly surprised to observe that no one interfered in each other's lives. I was never ridiculed, instead appreciated, for wearing clothes that made me stand out. My self conscious at having an accent that boldly announced my immigrant status, was put to rest by the people, whose responses brought in the ease and confidence. I was not ignored, people glanced over but those looks had respect in them. I observed a lot of great human values being practiced here, in America, which were only talked about in other countries.

America was a great country and the world looked up to her. America wasn't great when she had the slavery. She wasn't great because she used the atomic bomb, had NASA, the scientific discoveries, or the upper hand in the world politics. America was great because her people had recognized the human weaknesses, acknowledged her own flaws, had struggled hard to correct, amend, and made selfless sacrifices to ensure individual freedom and rights to all. The proof of which was almost a non existence (or open presence) of ridiculing glances. 

Yesterday, when the fella checked me out from head to toe, I felt shivers....of sadness. In that moment, I understood, why there was a talk and need of making America great again.  

                                    (Shamsa Anwar)


Thursday, June 22, 2017

You can plot

You can plot all you want,
You may scheme all you can,
Sugarcoat it for the world,
Make a party with the folk.
There is One God Who knows everything!
What you do and how you do
You do not intimidate me
You can try all your might
Corner me or isolate
You can have all the earth

I just need God by my side.

Shamsa Anwar 

Monday, May 29, 2017



 I think most humans are born with some traces of manipulation. It is present in small children, who can bend situations to their advantages. Even the infants try to have their way by this means, once they can sense the benefit of throwing tantrums around company. It's a natural human instinct which is based on a desire to dominate the situation. If unchecked or fed into, this instinct, like most selfish human instincts, can become a vice that engulfs the entire personality of the individual. It is this kind of, out of hand, intentionally nourished manipulation that I am talking about, and not the innocent, benign kind that almost every human being inherits to some degree but learns to keep in check as a responsible adult.

Manipulators are self serving and self absorbed individuals. Most are not easily recognizable as they camouflage their true natures very well. They are masters of twisting any circumstance, and milking almost every situation, to their full advantage.

Some handle factors before the events occur so that they can have the desired results but almost all manipulators are experts of turning any given situation in their favor, regardless of whether they created it or not. For this purpose, they are can easily shift sides, gear or loyalties. They are not sincere to anyone but to their own motives and are always looking for chances to profit. The self serving obsession keeps them alert and attentive to grab every opportunity and ways to benefit and advance themselves. This shrewd selfishness guarantees an unforgiving and vengeful nature. Harboring contempt adds more fuel to the burning desire of keeping tight hold on all strings.

Most work subtly, and are generally docile in appearance. They are very rarely front runners, as they prefer to hide their true natures behind facades of good and proper manners. Only a keen observer can understand the exact mechanics of their techniques. This is because the manipulators portray as if the situation arises by itself in their favor or that the circumstances automatically happen, without their influence, in a way which suits them. This desire to appear innocent, is one of the reasons that many, despite their constant and relentless efforts to advance themselves, are not very high achievers. Deceivers are basically cowards. They are simply not brave enough to own up to all their efforts out in the open because it would reveal their conniving nature to others. 

At this point, I again feel a need to point out that manipulation in itself is not a bad thing when done for a good cause. Generals plot to overcome enemies, rulers think of ways to lead, etc. I am not talking about people who contemplate ways in accordance with their duties. I am discussing those people whose sole purpose is to further themselves. Not every effort of the schemers bears fruit but the disappointments don't dismay them. It is an ongoing struggle to mold everything to their bidding. In their absolute success, they become worse tyrants and dictators but for majority of the rest, their exact character remain anonymous.

Their deceit is so well plotted and disguised that most people are unable to detect it, except the ones who are directly afflicted by it. The poor victims are then left bewildered as to how to convince others of this wrongdoing. The suffering individuals find themselves alone and hurt. Their loneliness in the domain of such feelings, make them prone to psychological dilemmas. Unable to find any solid proof, some people lose confidence in their instincts and start doubting their own judgements. The invisible wounds of such victims do not heal easily and leave deep scars.

Manipulation runs in the blood like an addiction. They do it habitually and simply cannot live without it. In their quest to control every situation and turn it into their favor, they overlook who might get hurt in the process. In most cases, their intent is not to hurt others. They are so focused on themselves that they have no time to compare or weigh in the personal gains versus collateral damage to others. In cases where the personal gain may be very insignificant and any other rational person may not even give it a thought, they would still go ahead and play out their part with full deliberation, simply for the personal satisfaction of commanding everyone else and having an upper hand.

The tireless need to plot and scheme makes them hungry to gain knowledge of everything and everyone. They are disturbingly nosy people but quite often come across as sympathetic listeners. Others easily trust their well mannered, timid personalities. The biggest shock comes when they are in a situation of absolute power. That is when their closest allies are likely to get hurt the most by their selfish actions.

I have always maintained that we have no control over the choices others make. Everyone is free to indulge in their freedom of right, to be whoever they want to be, but  that should never hinge on suffocating or taking away the same rights from others. Since it's difficult to prove most manipulations, the best way is to avoid contact with such people whenever possible. In case, avoidance is out of question, understand their nature and don't be a puppet in their hands. But the foremost important thing to avoid, is becoming one ourselves.
It is essential for everyone to avail all opportunities but it is absolutely more crucial to always be a mindful human being in the process and never do any injustice, of any kind, to anyone.
(Shamsa Anwar)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

I pray

I pray

I raise my hands to pray ...
I think of all my wants ...
What am I going to ask?
What and how much?
What is at the top?
But then ...
How can I ever ask?
My needs are so vast ...
Where am I going to start?
For every breath I take ...
For every heart beat ...
For each and every step ...
I have to turn to Him.
Am I going to discard?
As I got it all in the past?
I am at a loss ...
As I raise my hands ...
There's a thunder in my thoughts!
What am I going to ask?
I tremble when I think ...
Of all my own doings!
And I tremble at the thought ...
What if He checked and asked?
Of all His benefactions!
I tremble at this thought ...
And then ...
This is ...
All that I can ever ask ...
"Forgive me, my Lord!
Forgive me and my kin.
Forgive me and forgive ...
O my Most Merciful God".

Shamsa Anwar

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Mujhay kehtay hain woh Sahib

مجھے کہتے ہیں وہ صاحب، کہ نازک دل ہی روتے ہیں
وہ شورِ دریا سنتے ہیں، جھیلیں بھول جاتے ہیں

ارے پگھلے ذرا سوچو، کیوں آنسو نہ گرتا ہے
جہاں سیلاب آتے ہوں، وہیں پہ بند بندھتے ہیں

یہاں ہے کون جس نے بھی، غمِ فرقت نہ چکھا ہو
قسمت کے دھنی ہیں وہ، جنہیں کہ پیار ملتا ہے

جہاں سب یار ہنستے ہیں، وہاں تنہا بھی رہتا ہے
سکھ دکھ ساتھ چلتے ہیں، اسی کا نام جینا ہے

کہیں شہنائی بجتی ہے، کہیں پہ ماتم ہوتا ہے
کوئی دفنا کے جاتا ہے، کوئی دنیا میں آتا ہے

یہی وہ وقت ہوتا ہے، جہاں پہچان ہوتی ہے
کوئی حیوان ہے، انسان ہے، خصلت بتاتی ہے

جو دل پہ چوٹ لگتی ہے، دوراہے پہ لاتی ہے
کوئی جل سڑ کے کڑھتا ہے، کوئی دعائیں کرتا ہے

یہاں قسمت کسی کی بھی، دوجے سے نہیں ملتی
جو خود پہ کام کرتے ہیں، جنت ان کی ہوتی ہے

وہاں نہ حجر کا غم ہے، نہ فرقت کی پڑی ہو گی
وہاں ہر شادماں ہو گا، کہ منزل مل چکی ہو گی

شمسہ انور

Monday, April 10, 2017

Kachcha Dhaga

جو ٹوٹ گیا رشتہ، وہ کچا دھاگہ ہے
بارش میں بہہ جائے، وہ مہر نکمی ہے
باندھو وہ بندھن، مر کے بھی نہ ٹوٹے
دلوں پہ لکھ جاؤ، جو انمٹ ہو جائے
لاکھ سجا لو گے، اس جسم خاکی کو
دھول و مٹی میں، اک دن اٹ جائے گا
نفس کا سازندہ، کتنا بھی پیارہ ہے
شور قیامت میں، دشمن بن جائے گا
تقدیر کے ہاتھوں میں، ڈور سہی اپنی
ڈور کو جنبش تو، عمل سے ہونی ہے
رسی کی پیمائش، کرنا کام نہیں اپنا
فرض نبھانا ہے اور سر کو جھکانا ہے
جو بھی وہ کرتے ہیں، ان کو کرنے دو
نامہ ہر اک نے، کرموں سے بھرنا ہے
تو پھر کیا جو لوٹ گیا، کھسوٹ گیا
روز آخر تو، سب کچھ روشن ھونا ہے
بیکار کی باتوں میں، وقت نہ جانے دو
دو پل کے جیون سے، جنت کو پانا ہے
                                                   شمسہ انور

Jo toot gaya rishta, woh kachcha dhaaga hai
Barish mein beh jaye, woh mohr nakammi hai
Baandho woh bandhan, mar ke bhi na tootay
Dilon pe likh jao, jo an-mitt ho jaye
Laakh saja lo gay, iss jism e khaaki ko
Dhool aur mitti mein, ik din att jaye ga
Nafs ka sazinga, kitna bhi piyaara hay
Shor e qiyamat mein, dushman ban jaye ga
Taqdeer ke haathon mein, dour sahi apni
Dour ko jumbish to, amal se honi hai
Rassi ki paymaaish, karna kaam nahin apna
Farz nibhana hai, aur sar ko jhukana hai
Jo bhi woh kartay hain, unn ko karnay do
Nama har ik ne, karmon se bharna hai
Tou phir kiya, jo loot gaya, khasoot gaya
Roz e aakhir tou, sab roshan hona hai
Baykaar ki baaton mein, waqt na jaanay do
Do pal ke jeewan se, Jannat ko pana hai

                                               (Shamsa Anwar)
