Friday, February 14, 2014

The Cattiness in Women

Women are more catty in general than men. Not that men don't manipulate, cut throat compete or spew venom when being vicious but women take the game to a whole new level under the same circumstances. The reason is the weaker sex's ability to express her emotions. She is good at it! It's her own forte! She observes, analyzes, hoards, plots and vents out her emotions with minute details.

Women's physicality gives them an inbred insecurity which makes them fine observers and detail oriented. Their monthly hormonal cycles bring in emotional pendulums which gets them familiar with mood swings and changes. It helps them understand various forms of expressions, hence they are more romantic, loving, caring....and yes, more spiteful!

Patriarchal societies have often called women a mystery. She intrigues history by her emotional extremes. Men can never understand her ability of unlimited sacrifice. It comes naturally to her as a mother. A loving father's love can never outrun a loving mother's love. Its another thing if a mother chooses to be selfish and intentionally puts her child's love at the back burner. Unfortunately, there are many such examples but by nature, no man would be willing to undergo what a woman, willingly endures to become a mother.

Her love for her man is also unique. She wants to belong and this desire enables her to put her man before her. She lets him take the wheel while she sits on the passenger side but that doesn't mean that she relaxes and lets her hair down. She is all too well aware of his roving eye and her own biological clock. Her insecurity makes her wary of competition and keeps her on watch.

This inherent emotional mix of sacrifice, belonging and insecurity makes her vulnerable. Vulnerability breeds suspicion and doubt. Suspicion leads to fear that results in offensive attacks to subdue the opponent before an incursion. Vulnerability is like a scared wild beast that lashes out in fear. Education, self restraint and high moral codes are needed to tame this beast or it goes ugly. In the Western societies where moral values are on the decline and self control is a taboo in general, women's cattiness is widespread while in the Eastern cultures, it is hidden behind veils.

Probably, this has been one of the major reasons why women have been suppressed throughout history. There has always been more restrictions imposed on women than men. True, that it is always easier to exert power on the weak but to think of women as weak would be a big mistake. She might be physically weak but she sure is way stronger in the emotional compartment. Again, the reason being her ability to vent out her emotions. Her strongest strength lies in her child bearing ability and responsibility. She carries and nurtures the future in her belly. She influences the next generations. She is the mother of all. She needs to be responsible, sensible and in control ....and THAT is why there has always been more instructions for women than men because with responsibility comes accountability.

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