There are three kinds of extremes.
In moments of happiness, some people ....
1. Hide their feelings.
2. Dance in ecstasy.
3. Fall down in prostration to thank the Almighty.
Years ago, I congratulated a person on his promotion. To me, it was a big deal but his answer caught me off guard. He whined that what was there to be happy about as the monetary gain was almost negligent and it was just a title or the rank promotion.
As I listened to him, I realized that he was the first kind. He would always celebrate his happiness secretly or find excuses not to enjoy it at all. Such people are not only introverts but they often have phobias about catching the bad eyes, bad luck, envies and jealousies. Since these kind of people do not share their own happiness, they are highly critical of others who do so. They tend to minimize their own gains and over emphasize that of others.
Watch out for such people as they would never be sincere friends.
The second group of people are the ones who make a lot of noise about every gain and accomplishment. Great party givers, they tend to attract huge crowds. They come across as generous of heart and laughter prone. They just need an excuse to super indulge.
Although fun loving, the second kind of people are at high risk of melancholy and depression. They are not good at handling losses or troubles in life. Their friendships are based on enjoyment and celebrations. They feel lonely without these two elements and fear desertion by their own crowd even in the presence of the two elements because of the fickle nature of them.
Be careful around such people. They have a tendency to suck you in by the loud noise of celebrations where you might forget the time and date.
The third kind are very spiritual kind. They are sensitive and humble in nature. They fear their Lord and watch out their actions. They are often lonely in life as there's not much celebrations or noise around them which bores the majority but they inspire awe and respect in the hearts of others.
These kind of people are great source of spiritual inspiration. They cry a lot but there is an internal peace that surrounds them.
Like any other thing, extreme of these three kinds is also not good.
1. The first kind forget to celebrate and share. They often harbor negative feelings.
2. Second kind forget the spiritual part and dwell in the worldly aspects. They often feel empty and suffer hangovers.
3. Third kind tend to forget the celebrations in their extremes.
A balanced combination of the three leads to a peaceful life.
The key is to always remember who runs the show. Be grateful to Almighty for every blessing and offer thanks, but celebrate in moderation, because sharing happiness with a good heart while saying thanks to Almighty, is also a great form of gratitude. Sincere happiness automatically brings a sprint in the steps that is a natural dance.
Share the joys with others with proclamation of gratitude to Him and be cautious of envy and jealousies because those are parts of this world.
Life is a juggle and living is an act of balancing all this expertly.
Shamsa Anwar
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