Saturday, September 10, 2016

"Why do they act strangely around me?"

"Why do women act strangely towards me?"

A friend recently asked me this question and left me wondering.
She is a very intelligent lady with an established career, successful family life and a pleasant personality with friendly disposition. There would be many who might look up to her and want to be in her shoes, and that might be the real problem here.

Life is strange.
It is the simplest logic when lived as a temporary abode, but the most complicated mystery when pursued with a zest.
We all know that it will come to an end one day, yet most forget this truth.
Everyone live their own life, yet people yearn to have others.
Envy, jealousy and competition, these are vices that take away peace of both parties. Their poisonous talons dig deep into the hearts of those who bore such feelings towards others but their negativity also effects the ones for whom they are carried. Jealousy is the fire that burns the person igniting it but it's heat is also felt by the one for whom it is lit.

My friend was not the first person to ask me this familiar question.
I have written on the topic before and was approached by many friends and some strangers online, after my blogs. They all stated the similar question in different words and asked for my opinion. Majority were women who talked to me. I personally think that jealousy is more prevalent among women. It's present in both genders but women are more sensitive to feelings, emotions and analysis. Misled and unchecked emotions can provoke and feed jealousy.

Success is a combination of luck and hard work. Everyone's luck is their own and so is the latter. Healthy competition, admiration and appreciation of others' success are desired and needed for a healthy growth of society but there's a thin line between these emotions and envy. One must always be aware of their own feelings and reactions towards others' success. Only then, true friendships would be formed, and everyone can live in peace.

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