Friday, January 9, 2015

She Doesn't Know!

She was a family friend.
A few families were traveling together.
Everyone told her to ride in the comfy car.
She refused and sat with me, saying,
"I'll ride with my little sister".
I sat still with my aching muscles,
watching her peaceful face, as she slept with her head in my lap.
She changed my life that day.
I stated looking up to her as the sister, I never had.

Years later...
It was her wedding day.
I had flown from another country to be there for her.
With much struggle I was able to get into her dressing room.
She was surrounded by the others.
Her cousin was everywhere.
I tried to get closer.
Someone asked her about me.
She passed a fleeting glance and turned her head saying,
"She's merely a family friend."
She did not even notice how I backed out and turned away.
She changed the course of my life, as I left the room, that day.

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