Wednesday, December 11, 2013

U are who U own that personality & rock the world!

The nature of a person never changes!

We all change over time but our true self remains the same. Each and every person in the world is a unique individual, having a specific fingerprint but we can categorize the personalities. Some are leaders while others are followers. Some are stern while others are mellow. Some are carefree while others are cautious.... There are endless such categories with extremes and varying degrees in between. Everyone has a piece of each category to make a complete whole but the largest part gets to decide the sort of personality that person owns.

None of the categories is either good or bad. These categories are personal traits. How one uses these traits to make a life decides the sort of a person s/he is! Hitler was a born leader and an intelligent man but he used his qualities for hatred and destruction of millions. Nelson Mandela was not a very big built man but he made history through his strength. He endured prison but did not let that chain his heart in hatred. He ruled hearts of millions in love.

The traits do not make us who we are, our choices do! We all have to decide what kind of a person we want to be in life. If a person chooses to be bad, no one can change that. Same way, nothing or no one can change a person's resolve to be good. All religious people would tell you that their faith system teaches moral values and peace. Piety and purely are associated with religious people yet we sometimes see the religious people do evil to others. It is not the religion, but a person's own choice to use religion as an excuse to hate others. A true person of faith is too busy fearing God and focusing on his/her own conduct rather than judging others. This world is big enough for all of us to coexist in peace if we would just let it be!

Our personalities are a combination of all different traits with some more dominant than others. Knowledge and wisdom help us decide how to control and utilize these traits. We should understand our personalities and make peace with them. Fighting one's nature, to me, is such a waste of precious time and resources because none of the traits by nature are bad. Acceptance means to realize one's own potential and use it for the good. Everyone is capable of contributing their share of good. If we all did that, the world would be such a better place!

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