Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sexual Freedom & the institution of Marriage!

The mere mention of the word gets the attention. In many Eastern societies it's still a taboo to discuss sex in public while West flaunts it openly. Internet has opened wide many vestibules of awareness everywhere. Sex, sexuality, sex appeal, phone sex, sexting....there are so many related terms that are floating around. A flood of wanted and unwanted information is sweeping the majority off their feet while a minority is struggling to stand against the torrential currents.

Lets face it! The very first relation formed between humans on earth was sexual. I was questioned once if I believed that Adam and Eve were married. I do. What is marriage? Marriage is a bond between two human beings (traditionally and religiously, between a man and a woman) in which they commit to one another. So yes, by all definitions, Adam and Eve were husband and wife.

Sex is a relationship that becomes sacred through the institution of marriage. Outside the sanctity of marriage, the same relationship becomes a sin as adultery or fornication, (even among consenting adults) and a crime as pedophilia or rape.

Sex is a basic human need. Like all needs, it is a human weakness. Weaknesses need to be guarded and watched carefully under all circumstances. In case of humans, Satan is our eternal enemy. He is always searching for human weaknesses. Religion and societies use marriage to secure this weakness. It is not a hundred percent guaranteed solution but it does work most of the time. Marriage is the legal freedom for the partners involved to fulfill their needs. It brings in responsibility and consequences.

Marriage is a bond and human nature is to go for freedom. Actually, human nature is for submission...submission to the Creator, God, but since God has given humans free will to choose, and respite to Satan whose mission is to misguide as many humans as he can, Satan allures humans away from submission to God's laws. Satan was even able to convince Adam and Eve to go against the only restriction imposed on them in the Heaven. Here, on earth, sex is Satan's number one weakness in humans to go after. He uses lust to take away rational thinking from sane humans.

The very first crime committed on earth involved sex. Cain killed Abel for sexual lust. Since then, Satan has used this human weakness as a favorite device to mislead humans. Sexual freedom is always accompanied by moral degradation. Every society, regardless of religious views, agrees upon setting some sort of standards for sexual freedom. Monogamist or polygamist, every nation promotes marriage.

Sexual freedom is still not prevalent in the Eastern societies where family, culture and social pressures keep a tight rein on individual conduct. A lot goes under the table, but at least on the surface, moral grounds are saved. The hippie era brought a flood of sexual experimentation in the West and swept away many moral values. In the name of freedom, the institution of marriage was greatly compromised. Scarlet letter became a medal instead of shame.

A society impetuously bent on promoting self gratification is not willing to teach moral values, religion or self control. Self restraint is considered anti freedom. No one remembers that it's not the first time in history that humans have taken to this road. Every civilization experimented with sexual freedom before it's doom. History is witness to that. Religious books chronicle it. Our conscious tells it.

Surprisingly it's okay for the society if a school hands out condoms to thirteen year old students but scandalous to get thirteen year olds married. The argument is that marriage is a big responsibility and sex is their natural need. Whoa!!! Right there, the society is setting double standards and messing up with nature. The message is to give in to the need, the weakness. It is teaching the young adults to ditch responsibility.

The result is evident everywhere. High schools have daycare centers for the babies of teenage students. Of course the mothers are the ones whose lives get altered for ever as fathers usually disappear in such cases. The welfare system is over burdened by the number of children born out of wedlock to teenage girls. Still the society is reluctant to talk about abstinence!

The broken family system, high divorce rate and dysfunctional families is giving rise to depression, bitterness and mental illnesses. The main victim of the casualty of marriage institution is children. A strong family structure and both parents are needed to raise confident and secure children. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, parents are the ones who are going to set an example for the kids.

The institution of marriage needs to be saved. The young adults need to be taught self control to safeguard their weaknesses. Religion and moral values should be taught. The concept of family, responsibility and consequences should be instilled to secure the future of humanity.

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