Someone asked me earlier in the day if I was satisfied in life!
Got me thinking!
What do we mean by satisfaction?
In general it means pleasure attained at the fulfillment of a desire. The problem is that human desires are never ending which means that a complete state of satisfaction can never be achieved. This quest for mysterious unknown is inherent in human nature. Even Adam & Eve were not completely satisfied in the bliss of Heaven. They wanted to taste the unknown. They had a desire for more. And here lies the key answer. This relentless race after self gratification is the ultimate doom. One has to watch out for it and draw the limits because there is no end to this road.
Coming back to my answer to the question that I was asked.
To me, my personal satisfaction lies in knowing that I did what I possibly could in my life. My satisfaction does not depend upon whether I get the end result or not but rather on whether I put in all efforts or not. This thinking is deep rooted in my belief that what I get at the end is ALWAYS going to be what was THE best suited for me because it was chosen for me by my God. I do not believe that what I get is really my own doing. Yes I do the effort, because it is my duty to do so, but after exerting my best efforts, I accept destiny as it is decreed.
My satisfaction lies in my faith. The belief in my God, the knowledge that He is closer to me than my Jugular vein and the fact that every thing is in His power and He is Omnipresent and the most Forgiving, brings satisfaction to my heart. Turning to Him, rendering all my needs to him and accepting His mercy provides me with the peace of mind.
Yes, I am very satisfied in my life. This does not mean that I always got what I wanted. No, it means that when I look back, I have no regrets and have accepted what my God provided, with gratitude. I've always tried my best under the circumstances. If I made mistakes or sinned, they were not intentional and I repented and tried my best not to repeat them. I'm not perfect. No one is! I am a weak person and my God knows my weaknesses and He is the most Merciful and I rely on His generosity.
Dissatisfied people yearn to change the past. I never wish to change anything in the past because I live in the moment. Dwelling in something that is impossible is a complete waste of time and time is precious! I can use this time to make a better past for tomorrow. I lived and am living my life with the understanding that it is a loaned gift from God. I love my God and everything that He gives me and this love is my satisfaction.
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