There are times when it seems like all doors are closing in one's face. People call it desperate times. Desperation attacks rational thinking and often times irreparable damage is caused by making wrong decisions under such circumstances. It happens quite often and it happens to us all. When such moments arrive, no advice matters and no logic makes sense. People usually turn in desperation to all possible sources at hand for help and are often faced with rejection, adding to an already burning inferno of despair. The only thing that can save a soul in such extremes, actually comes from within.
That is the time when metal is tested and stance is measured. It's easy to break, cry and complain. It takes courage to gather all wits and stand firm. Firm on one's belief in the Almighty. It is the time to put full trust in Him. These are times when one should let go without giving up. Turn to Him and confide all the worries to Him and then sit back and watch the magic. Just keep doing the right thing and have faith. That's when miracles happen. They might not happen overnight. They might not happen with a bang but they will happen. The only condition is that one puts complete and absolute faith in Him. Opportunities will come knocking at every door and the doors will start opening without knocks. One will be rewarded many folds from incomprehensible directions.
Sounds simple! It is. For those who believe. Not so, for those who don't. It's as simple as that.
The believer observes miracles and finds strength in dire conditions. A believer discovers blessings in catastrophes. No, the believer is not a sadist. A believer does not enjoy pain or misery but when faced with such, is still able to count the blessings like Prophet Ayyub (Job). It sounds impossible but it's not and its the miracle shown to the believer. This ability to still be able to count blessings and be grateful is the backbone of a true believer. It is one of the most beautiful blessings of all. In the absence of this one ability, even the most blessed of people will not be able to find peace.
Everyone is born with this ability to be grateful. It's inherent in human nature to turn to a super power, higher than him/her. Religion guides us to recognize this Supreme power. Problem occurs at times when some humans meddle with the divine message and try to modify it according to their worldly desires and motives. Once soiled by the mortal hand, the divine message becomes blurred and incomprehensible to human mind who turns to another human authority for further explanation. If this authority is the one who had altered the original message in the first place, then instead of clarity, more confusion is instilled. The human authority, empowered by the blind follower brings in more changes and before one knows it, a blanket of complete confusion engulfs the entire original divine message.
How to avoid this situation.
Read, learn and understand your religion. Do get help from scholars, but research, find and follow the authentic ones. Do not follow blindly. Do not stick to tunnel vision. Read and study with open mind. Think, compare and comprehend. Believe from the heart and with conviction, not because of family, tradition, popularity or culture. Every soul has a direct connection to the Creator. Almighty loves every child He created and is willing to save that child. He gives freedom of choice but sent guidance in the form of divine message. And this is every human being's duty to recognize, grasp and gain this guidance. It will show the person all the miracles at all times.