Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Very First Sin!

Many say pride was the very first sin! There are others who take Adam & Eve's fall in the Heaven as the first sin!
To me, it was jealousy!

There are three levels and stages when someone finds another one better!

1. Number one stage is appreciation. It is the stage of recognition that the other person possesses something better. This recognition can be direct or indirect. In direct recognition, one can sense the superiority of the other without anyone else pointing out or bringing it to attention. In many cases, this initial stage takes place in the form of appreciation and in its mildest form can be quite healthy and necessary in social settings.

2. Second stage is envy. Envy is also not bad because in this stage, a person recognizes the superiority of the other person and wishes to attain it. In its mild form, envy is competitive and can be the source of motivation, but in its strong form, it can bring in negativity.

3. Third stage is jealousy. There is a very thin difference between strong envy and jealousy. Jealousy is the worst stage of all because here the jealous person not only recognizes the superiority of the other and wants it but also wants to take it away from the other person. Sometimes, it doesn't even matter whether the jealous person will get it or not. All the jealous person wants is to take it away from the other person and that is why it is so vicious and evil.

 Let's talk about the first sin!
Lucifer/ Iblis had never denied any order of his Lord before he was asked to prostrate down to Adam. His pride made him refuse but there was another reason behind his actions. He did not deny God's authority, but refused His command because Lucifer could not stand Adam's superiority. He simply could not digest the fact that another creation could be better than him. He was jealous in that moment! He was jealous that Almighty had created something better than him and had chosen to bestow more ability on this being created out of mere clay and water.

He did not ask for forgiveness once Lord cursed him to hellfire. He asked for respite! His jealousy made him oblivious to the fact that he could have been be saved. He wanted revenge! He wanted respite so that he could mislead as many humans as he could to take with him in hellfire. Such is the nature of jealousy!

He was again jealous of Adam and Eve enjoying the bliss of Heaven. He could not stand the thought of them living peacefully. They had no trouble with him. They did not think or care about him, but he could not let them be! He was not going to gain anything tangible by their fall from the Heaven but his jealousy wanted satisfaction in revenge.

To me, number one root cause of all evil is this thing called jealousy! Jealousy breeds everything negative! It wants to destroy everything! There is absolutely no shred of compassion in a jealous heart! It burns and wants to burn the rest! It is an Arsonist in flames that torches everything in its path.

In today's world of Information age and fast media, envy is thriving everywhere. Morals are down and controls are loosened, two most effective ways of reining in the beasts of deep envy and jealousy. No wonder the world peace is at stake! Lucifers are out everywhere! Humanity is scared as it should be! It's times of deep danger. Watch out for JEALOUSY!


  1. very impressive. The story told by every Messenger of Allah, to convey one message. That Allah is THE Forgiver. Only to those who ask forgiveness. Iblees didn't ask forgiveness while adam and eve did.

    1. Thank you very much Sha.
      You are absolutely right. Every Messaenger conveyed the same message...Do not disobey, do not fall in the trap of temptation. If ever stumble, amend the way, repent, turn to Allah & ask forgiveness.
      Indeed Allah is the most Merciful, Kind, Loving & Benevolent
